Dumb and Dumber

Dumb and Dumber

and it continues…

If you start out an argument by saying, “Well, Glenn Beck said…” I will immediately ignore whatever you have to say because it will likely be complete bullshit.  Glenn Beck is dumber than Rush Limbaugh and that is saying a lot.

If a person’s statement can be refuted or proven incorrect in about 2 minutes from a multitude of sources then it should not have been written or said.  I’ll gladly admit I am wrong if someone shows me proof.

A healthy discussion is fine, but we all must also remember that our little arguments do nothing in changing the direction either party wants the country to go.  That’s why we vote, support PACs, write letters to our representatives.  That’s how things should change, but unfortunately most of our politicians are bought and paid for by the very organizations most of us don’t want driving the direction of this country.

We the people are not in charge, were we ever? If so, when?  When our country started?  It was likely worse then than it was now.

Good luck.


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