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Category: Fucking Politics

Voted for Trump? Still happy about that?

Voted for Trump? Still happy about that?

Do you still think think Trump was worth your vote? A new scandal almost every day, spending more on golf and travel in 50+ days than President Obama spent in a year. He used to tweet constantly about how much he hated that Obama was wasting tax payer money on vacations…and now he’s wasting more than just our hard earned money. This giant cheeto has duped you. You’re likely going to lose your healthcare, or it will cost you much…

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Sessions? Another mistake.

Sessions? Another mistake.

The racist Sessions is now a part of the Trump administration full of alt-right supporters.  This is another step backward to a time of segregation and hatred.  Democracy is fragile and our sold out politicians are gladly taking us down the road to totalitarianism. #resist #dumptrump #notmypresident

Another setback for education – thanks Trump

Another setback for education – thanks Trump

Devos was just confirmed by our “representatives” and Arizona’s reps are controlled once again by money/donations and not by their responsibility to our nation’s children.  An ignorant society is one easily controlled by the powerful. Hope you Trump voters are still happy with your choice. John McCain: for; has received money from the DeVos family. Contact him here. Jeff Flake: for, also, his voice mail and email boxes are reportedly full, so good luck chasing him down in person. Here’s his contact info.



A message for us all in the Trump era. Do what you can to push back on the changes that he and his administration are pushing that will endanger our population, our environment, and our rights. In a week we’ve already seen a number of attacks on what decent people find offensive and dangerous. He is an evil and greedy man who has no empathy for the poor and needy in our society and it’s up to the citizens to…

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Executive Orders by President

Executive Orders by President

My neighbor brought up Executive Orders and said that President Obama had created WAY MORE than any other president. That’s the problem with getting your “news” from Fox or ultra right wing sites…they’re wrong. Find the facts, then quote them. If he had, he would have seen that President Obama had less than the right’s precious Reagan.  He still wears his Crooked Hillary hat.  Move on buddy, old/fake news.   In the first two weeks we have a slew of…

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Trump’s madness has begun in earnest

Trump’s madness has begun in earnest

Check out the whitehouse gov site. All mentions of climate change, immigration, and healthcare are gone. If you almost vomit every time you see Drumpf you’ll certainly want to not go to the site. It’s all “America First” now and making things great again. Reading the information under each topic seems more like misinformation and “fake news” since facts no longer matter. It begins… #notmypresident #dumptrump

Anti-Trump business application and browser add-in

Anti-Trump business application and browser add-in

There is a great application for mobile devices that allow a consumer to quickly see what businesses support Trump or are owned by Trump. Do what you can to not support him or his businesses. Click here to download for your iPhone. Here is another great add-in you can use in Chrome. Click here

Do you remember why you voted the Republicans out?

Do you remember why you voted the Republicans out?

As republicans are tromping through the country trying to get people to vote them in again I wonder if people remember why so many of us voted them out?  Do we forget so easily who got us into the mess we’re in now?  Depending on your political viewpoint you will certainly have different answers to that question, but as the country voted it was quite obvious who they thought was at fault.  This has not changed. One of my conservative…

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