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Author: KP Editor

Great weather for riding

Great weather for riding

We’re back into the mid 70s now and it’s perfect for any outdoor activity.  Today I decided to get on the road and enjoy the beauty that our Arizona landscape provides.  I headed northwest on highway 87 past Fountain Hills toward Payson, but turned south on Bush Highway and past Saguaro Lake, then along the 202 west back into Phoenix.  There were so many motorcyclists on the road today and so many people out hiking and biking.  Here are some…

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Carrageenan, you bastard.

Carrageenan, you bastard.

Years ago I had switched to Soy milk as an alternative to Cow’s milk, but found that the emulsifier used gave me migraines.  Once again I was looking for an alternative and tried Almond milk.  Once again those severe headaches have returned and I didn’t even think of looking at the ingredients when purchasing the product. What is Carrageenan? Well, here is some info copied/stolen (link: ) from a website: Carrageenan is a product derived from certain types of red algae,…

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Fill ‘er up!

Fill ‘er up!

Last night the pups and I stopped at the gas station on the way home from the dog park and they were interested in what I was doing at the side of the car with that fuel hose.  These two are so amazingly wonderful.



Some people have commented how big Mooch is and can’t believe that Baxter was so much bigger.  Mooch is about 95 pounds and Baxter was close to 160.   Here is a photo of Baxter and me looking over our fence when we lived in Chandler.  The dirt mound was from a big whole which was dug to hold a hot tub.  I heard a few people gasp/shout when then saw Baxter watching them walk by on the sidewalk below.  He…

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Our first big storm of the year

Our first big storm of the year

All Phoenicians and most Arizonans are preparing for our first big storm of the year.  By 7pm tonight we’re expecting 30-40 mph winds and later the rain will start and continue until Saturday morning.  The higher elevations are expected to get up to two feet of snow!  Hopefully that means we can possibly kick this ski season into gear. 🙂  Be safe out there.

Santa Paws

Santa Paws has its Santa Paws pictures every year.  Last week I was the bearded gift giver and this week I took Mooch and Callie up to get their Christmas picture with Santa Paws.  They sat perfectly, looked at the camera and we were in and out in a few minutes.  I love my pups.

New and old

New and old

Still haven’t put the WG-1 through much, but so far it seems a bit faster. I will know tonight. We’ll see if the “great deal” paid off.