Deciding on a helmet
My HJC CL-16 has been a great helmet, but with my long summer rides I’d like to have something lighter and quieter.
This has been a long process and after eliminating the many helmets and getting down to the Schuberth C3 Pro and the Shoei, it’s the Shoei RF-1200 that has taken the lead.
The RF-1200 has been recommended by numerous friends and after talking with some Schuberth folks about the shape of the helmet (more round – I am oval) it made my decision easier. Plus it saves me about $400 and I can get the new SENA 20s instead of the model that only fits the Schuberth.
Just a couple more things to get… tires are next!
Everything arrived and is either on the bike or put together and sitting on my head. The RF-1200 is fantastic and the 20S works extremely well. Sound quality is excellent and the RF-1200 is super quiet.
The BattleWings were put on yesterday and I’m sure they’ll perform really well on my rides this coming year.